+49 9181 4764-10

NX® CAD System Migrants

NX® CAD System Migrants

This training covers the topics of sketching, solid creation, assembly design and drawing creation. The understanding of the methodology as well as the interaction with the user interface are the most important basic components in dealing with NX®. With simple exercises the participant is introduced to the NX® functions for reference elements, sketches and lines and from exercise to exercise his knowledge is built up and deepened. Practical tips & tricks are also taught.

Course: NX® CAD System Migrants
Duration: 5 days
Prerequisites: Knowledge of design with an alternative 2D/3D CAD system to NX®.
Notice: We also offer this course as a "basic course". Contents are coordinated in advance with the trainer.

Excerpt from the contents (depending on the group of participants also more):

Basics and handling

  • User interface
  • Data management
  • Methods of model creation
  • Methods of NX® operation


  • Sketch generation methods
  • Sketch dimensions and relationships
  • Explanation of curve creation and editing

Create solid

  • Reference elements (coordinate systems, planes, axes, points)
  • Extrusions
  • Body of revolution
  • Surface body
  • Boolean operations

Design form elements

  • Holes / Threads
  • Bevels
  • Chamfer
  • Edge rounding / surface rounding
  • Divide and trim body
  • Shell body

Duplicate geometry

  • Mirror shape element
  • Mirror geometry
  • More sample methods

Expressions and dependencies

  • Introduction to the attributes
  • User defined expressions

Advanced operation of extrusion

Layer and object representation

Synchronous design

  • Methods, application areas

Introduction assemblies

  • Assembly management
  • Design methodology
  • Assembly and constraint navigator
  • Charging options
  • Lightweight displays
  • Build assembly structures

Component Management

  • Add components
  • Assembly constraints

Manage assemblies

  • Memory commands
  • Edit assembly structure

Duplicate components

  • Pattern component
  • Use of the reuse library


Assembly analysis

  • Assign material, density, center of gravity
  • Collision analysis
  • Assembly information

Drawing creation

  • Master Model Concept
  • Drawing views
  • Cuts
  • Center lines
  • Dimensioning
  • Labeling
  • Assembly drawing

If you have any questions about training, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Jörg Sembach.

Jörg Sembach

Manager CAD/CAM

+49 9181 4764-10