+49 9181 4764-10

Teamcenter® MRL (Manufacturing Resource Library)

Teamcenter® MRL (Manufacturing Resource Library)

The Teamcenter® Manufacturing Resource Library supports you in managing your resources. In the training you will learn how to use complete tools, components, machines, clamping devices, templates and technology data via various search mechanisms in NX® CAM.

Course: Teamcenter® MRL
Duration:  2 days
Prerequisites: Knowledge in the use of Teamcenter® and NX® CAM
Notice: Contents are coordinated with the trainer in advance.

Excerpt from the contents:

  • Classification in Teamcenter®
  • MRL Classification Structure
  • Create and classify tool components
  • Creating and classifying complete tools
  • Creating a complete tool in the Resource Manager
  • Adding components
  • Defining the Propagation Point
  • Creating the tool (Graphics Builder)
  • Classifications of the complete tool
  • Creating the NX Assembly (Auto Assembly)
  • Loading and using the MRL tools in NX® CAM
  • Classification of adapters, etc. (Devices)
  • Creating and classifying clamping devices (Resources)
  • Download tool components with Tools United

If you have any questions about training, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Jörg Sembach.

Jörg Sembach

Manager CAD/CAM

+49 9181 4764-10